Q. I'm a musician, how do I book my band at Musiikki?
A. Send us an email at musiikkibookings@gmail.com. Before sending please make sure your email includes the following material.
Recorded examples of your music.
A specific requested date, or range of dates.
Links to social media (Artist website, Facebook, Youtube, etc.).
A stage plot, or list of required inputs.
Q. Do you promote your shows?
A. We are more than happy to use any promotional material you send us (Posters, Facebook events, etc.). However we don’t create any promotional material ourselves.
Q. How long do bands play for?
A. Night : 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Bands are expected to cover the full 3 hours with a reasonable amount of breaks (3 x 45 min sets, 2 x 75 min sets, etc.). If a group is unable to cover the full 3 hours, they are asked to find another act to share the time with (local or otherwise).
Q. What are load in times?
A. Load in occurs an hour before the start of your set. This will allow enough time to load gear, and soundcheck before sets are scheduled to begin.
Q. What does Musiikki pay?
A. We offer a $50 guarantee for the night, as well as a band tip jar which the band keeps 100% of. Bands are welcome to set a cover charge for their show, however in that case we are unable to offer a guarantee. If you wish to do a ticketed event, please let us know and we can set that up. In the case of a ticketed show, profits will be divided 15%/85% between artist and venue respectively. Bills with more than one act on them must divide profits (guarantee, tips, and/or cover) among themselves.
Bands are more than welcome to sell merch during their sets. In addition, all performers will receive complimentary drinks (groups of 5 or less receive 2 per member, groups of more than 5 receive a $55 drink tab).
Q. Does Musiikki provide sound?
A. Yes, Musiikki provides a full PA system and a qualified sound engineer for all shows.
Musiikki Cafe Covid-19 Guidelines for Performers
- All performers for the evening must be confirmed and communicated in the booking email.
- Performers, when not actively playing, must be at the provided band table. If a guest within the band member’s “bubble” has come to see the show, performers may sit at their table if there is space available.
- We ask that performers do not stand or walk around the patio to speak to patrons.
- We ask that nobody sits at tables other than their own, or “table hop”, whether seated or standing.
- Masks must be worn any time performers are not actively performing or seated with a drink.
-We kindly ask that performers bring as much of their own equipment as possible, including and especially microphones, to maintain proper sanitation.
- We ask everyone at Musiikki to maintain a physical distance of 6ft (2 metres) with all parties present.
- Performers must be behind the plexiglass shield while performing - if spacing is an issue, please inform via email or ask the staff for assistance.
We respect that it is important for musicians to thank the people coming to see them and to acknowledge people they know, but please understand that musicians being in close contact with a large number of people around their performance is one of the main reasons live music must be so restricted in a pandemic. Please let us keep bringing music to the Kingston community by helping everyone stay safe. If you are unsure, please check with a staff member about anything. Even better - ask a question via email before your arrival.